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15 Julho 2024

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Where to next for UK Interest rates?

Market odds for the Bank of England to cut rates in August are better than 50:50. We are less optimistic.
Watch time - 4 min
11 Julho 2024

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

Life under Labour: what is the macro background for the new Government, their likely budget plans and the impact on the economy?

After inheriting a dire fiscal position how will Labour deliver economic growth? We take a closer look at their options and plans.
Read time - 4 min
9 Julho 2024

Laura Reardon

Client Portfolio Manager, Emerging Market Debt

Dispelling the myths around emerging market debt

Emerging markets today bear little resemblance to those rocked by financial crises in the 1980s and 1990s, with the asset class diversified across geography, investment grade, high yield, sovereigns and corporates
Read time - 3 min
9 Julho 2024

Fixed Income Desk

In Credit - Weekly Snapshot

In Credit Weekly Snapshot – July 2024

Our fixed income team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.
Read time - 5 min
8 Julho 2024

Christopher Hult

Portfolio Manager, Fixed income

Paul Smillie

Senior Credit Analyst, Investment Grade

EMEA Investment grade outlook, H2 2024

Inflation is finally coming down, central banks are poised to cut rates, and credit spreads have withstood volatility in government bonds. So where do we see things going from here?
Read time - 1 min
8 Julho 2024

Paul Smillie

Senior Credit Analyst, Investment Grade

Why we’ve said ‘auf Wiedersehen’ to Deutsche Bank

The bank had a culture problem, but when it began to embark on a period of restructuring, we were interested. Here's how our fundamental research helps unearth investment opportunities.
Read time - 3 min
8 Julho 2024

Alasdair Ross

Head of Investment Grade Credit, EMEA

Investment grade: attractive yields with lower risk profile

The asset class is in a fundamentally good place, with the past few years seeing index yields rise to 5.5% – competing quite well with asset classes such as equities.
Watch time - 6 min
4 Julho 2024

Joe Horrocks-Taylor

Senior Associate, Analyst, Responsible Investment

ESG Viewpoint: Nature Positive commitments: separating the green from greenwash

We outline six attributes of a good Nature Positive commitment and assess how a range of companies are stacking up.
Read time - 5 min
1 Julho 2024

Steven Bell

Chief Economist, EMEA

A tough fiscal reality awaits new government

A record year for elections – but what do they mean for markets?
Watch time - 8 min
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